Official message of thanks for the training for the MILKOM company

Ardecs, Milkom, ITconsalting, Kanban
Official message of thanks for the training for the MILKOM company

The Ardecs company has received an official message of thanks for training conducting devoted to the Kanban system. The training was held for the Milkom company, Izhevsk city, the leading manufacturer of milk products. This event allowed the participants to understand basic principles of the Kanban system, which are flexible development methodologies, project management and team building.

The event was organized as a game and ran for five hours. However, despite the duration of the training all participants were cheerful and fresh. Two teams were formed named “Just Milk” and “Monkeys in space”. The teams competed with each other for the right to be the best team in developing of their own product. During the game both teams applied knowledge of Kanban's basic principles in practice such as flow visualization, limiting and optimizing the number of simultaneously running tasks, setting up formal rules, flow management. The teams also discovered the influence of external forces on the development process, which the game presented to them.

At the end of the game the teams compared their behavior strategies and found divergence points. The team "Just Milk" won; it chose more optimal strategy in the game. Our congratulations!

The most useful part of the event was the discussion about the possibility of using the Kanban system in participants’ workflow. During open discussion participants searched for the possibility of using the system for the needs of support service, HR and IT departments. Participants compared the use of Kanban principles with current IT department processes. Differences were identified and now, after the training, the company as a whole starts working more efficiently.

To be continued ... Follow the news :)
